Join us for an artist talk with Hyong Nam Ahn – Wednesday, Nov. 16, 2016


Choong Sup Lim,
Hyong Nam Ahn, Hippocrates, 2015, aluminum, stainless steel, oil paint, 89 x 22 x 23 in.

“The underlying laws of the universe remain constant –
the velocity of light has not changed since Creation.”

– Hyong Nam Ahn, excerpt from Artist’s Statement 
Artist Hyong Nam Ahn uses metal and neon light to create gestural sculptures and wall pieces vibrantly resonating with life and movement. As a metaphorical display of life’s balanced interdependence, Hippocrates lyrically captures the vital luminescent energy of life itself.

Join us for an artist talk with Hyong Nam Ahn
for our current exhibition

Wednesday, November 16th, 2016

6:00PM – 8:00PM
Artist Talk: 6:45PM


Please RSVP to 

The Sylvia Wald & Po Kim Gallery
417 Lafayette Street, 4th Floor, NYC


Hyong Nam Ahn
Hyong Nam Ahn uses a variety of materials such as cut out aluminum forms, stainless steel rods, wood, stone, and oil paint as well as environmental factors such as wind as metaphors that allude to the natural environment. Ahn’s sensitivity to equilibrium, light and movement is accentuated by his use of these disparate materials in a fluid dialogue with each other. His poetic and lyrical sculptures and drawings embody both the artist’s spontaneous gestures as well as the refined technical sophistication of his craftsmanship to capture the vitality of both the physical and the spiritual world. Ahn’s elegantly choreographed lyricism and the raw power of the medium embody the complex balance of nature, harmony and peace.

Ahn has exhibited extensively including solo and group exhibitions at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago; Tweed Museum, University of Minnesota; Ohio University Art Museum; Arlington Cultural Art Museum, Columbus, OH; Lake View Museum of Art & Science, Peoria, IL; SoMa Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea; and Laciudad Museum, Madrid, Spain among many others. Read bio.

Luminescence - 6 contemporary Korean artists

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